The Planning Process
Planners + Resources | Unit Plans (subject) | Unit Plans (grade)
Big Ideas | Concepts | Curricular Competencies
*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.
Unit Plans by Subject
Applied Design, Skills & Technology
- Introduction to Coding (Grade 1-2)
- Weaving (Grade 4-5)
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Weaving (Grade 6-7)
- *Media Design – Using MS Teams (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Foods (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Everything Is Economics (Grade 12)
English Language Arts
- Gardening (Grade 1-2)
- Fairy Tales (Grade 1-2, UOP)
- Literary Elements in Fiction (Grade 4)
- The Past Shapes Today (Grade 4, UOP)
- Creative Writing (Grade 4-5)
- Critical Literacy (Grade 4-7)
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
- Indian Residential Schools (Grade 5)
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Identity (Grade 6-7, UOP)
- *Media Literacy (Grade 6, UOP)
- *English Language Arts (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Modern Languages (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Exploring Identity (Grade 10)
- Exploring Identity Through Poetry (Grade 11, UOP)
- *Modern Languages (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Math (Grade K-1, UOP)
- Shapes (Grade 1)
- Financial Literacy (Grade 4-7)
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
- Integers (Grade 7)
- Graphing & Transformations (Grade 7)
- Circumference, Area & Volume (Grade 7)
- *Circumference and Area of Circles (Grade 7, UOP)
- Algebra & Linear Relations (Grade 7)
- Computational Fluency (Grade 7)
- Rate/Ratio/Percentage (Grade 8)
- *Squares, Roots and Cubes (Grade 8, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Everything is Economics (Grade 12)
Physical and Health Education
- Fundamentals of Athletics & Fitness (Grade 4-7)
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Identity (Grade 6-7, UOP)
- *Foods (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Introduction to Forces (Kindergarten)
- Gardening (Grade 1-2)
- Science & Socials (Grade 2-3, UOP)
- Matter – Chemistry (Grade 4)
- Introduction to Matter (Grade 6)
- Electricity & Magnetism (Grade 7)
- Evolution & Selection (Grade 7)
- Earth Science (Grade 7)
- Chemistry (Grade 7)
- Medieval Studies (Grade 8, UOP)
- Plate Tectonics (Grade 8)
- For Grade 4 and Grade 6 field study unit plans please see the Environmental Learning section.
- *Patterns of Inheritance (Grade 10, UOP)
- *Chemistry – Mathematical Foundations (Grade 11, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Anatomy and Physiology – Biological Molecules (Grade 12, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
Social Studies
- Community (Grade K, UOP)
- Weaving (Grade K-1)
- Orange Shirt Day (Grade K-7)
- Canadian Geography (Grade 2)
- The Community & Me (Grade 2)
- Science & Socials (Grade 2-3, UOP)
- Weaving (Grade 2-3)
- BC: Gold Rush & Railway (Grade 4)
- Innovation and its Connection to the Land (Grade 4, UOP)
- The Past Shapes Today (Grade 4, UOP)
- Indian Residential Schools (Grade 5)
- Government and Human Rights (Grade 6-7, UOP)
- *Media Literacy (Grade 6, UOP)
- Exploration & Colonization (Grade 8)
- Medieval Studies (Grade 8, UOP)
- Orange Shirt Day (Grade 8-12)
- Who Am I? (Grade 10-12)
Visual Arts
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
- *Character Unit – Drama (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)