The Planning Process
Planners + Resources | Unit Plans (subject) | Unit Plans (grade)
Big Ideas | Concepts | Curricular Competencies
*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.
Check back here often as we gather, update and share relevant resources and background information on best practices in online learning.
Best Practices:
Here are some things to consider when designing online content for your students:
Blended Learning Planners
Blended Learning Overviews Plans and Micro-Units
- *Media Literacy (Grade 6, UOP)
- *Circumference and Area of Circles (Grade 7, UOP)
- *Squares, Roots and Cubes (Grade 8, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Character Unit (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *English Language Arts (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Foods (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Media Design – Using MS Teams (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Modern Languages (Grade 10, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Patterns of Inheritance (Grade 10, UOP)
- *Chemistry – Mathematical Foundations (Grade 11, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- *Anatomy and Physiology – Biological Molecules (Grade 12, Blended Learning Micro-Unit)
- Click here for more lessons
Have a great one to share?
Send it to the HUB email: curriculumhub@sd44.ca
Resources to assist with planning
Online Learning Resources & Further reading
- Blended Online Learning Planner
- Setting Up Your Class
- SAMR Model and Overview
- High school examples
- TRUDACOT / 4 shifts model
- Dr. Jennifer Chang Wathall
- 5 E's model
- Ed to Save the World
- 5 Outside of the Box Assessment Ideas – Catlin Tucker
- Google Apps and Strategies
- Assessment in a Virtual Online Environment (YouTube)
- How Do I Assess Student Learning Online
- 3 Strategies for Personalizing Feedback Online - Catlin Tucker
- NVSD Considerations for Planning Blended Learning
Other Resources
- Excellent list of online resources for elementary
- Comparing Bloom's taxonomy to the Depth of Knowledge
- Project Zero - Online database of Visible Thinking Routines
- Hyperdoc site
- Microsoft Teams Scavenger Hunt - Beginner
- Microsoft Teams Scavenger Hunt - Intermediate
- Assessment Considerations for Blended Learning
Articles on best practice in online learning
- John Spencer - Different ways to create choice menus
- AJ Juliani – Choice menus
- 7 big ideas as you shift to online learning
- The differences between emergency remote teaching and online learning
- How to use the Unit Planner Guide
- UBD Overview
- Website to Classroom Powerpoint
- Sample Year Plan (Grade 4-5)
Stage One - Desired Results
- Big Ideas by Grade
- Combined Grades Big Ideas
- Concept-based Teaching Brief
- Concepts List by Subject
- Transfer Goals Handout
- Essential Questions Explained
- First People's Principles of Learning
Stage Two - Planning for Assessment
BC Ministry of Education Resources