The Planning Process
Planners + Resources | Unit Plans (subject) | Unit Plans (grade)
Big Ideas | Concepts | Curricular Competencies
*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.
Design can be responsive to identified needs.
- Weaving (Grade 6-7)
Complex tasks require the acquisition of additional skills.
- Linked Lesson
Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies.
- Linked Lesson
Our attitudes toward careers are influenced by our view of ourselves as well as by our friends, family, and community.
- Linked Lesson
Our personal digital identity forms part of our public identity.
- Linked Lesson
Practicing respectful, ethical, inclusive behavior prepares us for the expectations of the workplace.
- Linked Lesson
Leadership represents good planning, goal-setting, and collaboration.
- Linked Lesson
Safe environments depend on everyone following safety rules.
- Linked Lesson
New experiences, both within and outside of school, expand our career skill set and options.
- Linked Lesson
Listening and viewing with intent helps us understand the message.
- Linked Lesson
Using strategies helps us understand and acquire language.
- Linked Lesson
With simple French, we can discuss our interests.
- Linked Lesson
Reciprocal interactions are possible even with limited French.
- Linked Lesson
Stories allow us to understand ideas in a meaningful way.
Deepening our knowledge of Francophone communities helps us develop cultural awareness.
- Linked Lesson
Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy.
- Linked Lesson
Exploring stories and other texts help us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Identity (Grade 6-7, UOP)
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives extends our thinking.
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Critical Literacy (Grade 4-7)
- Identity (Grade 6-7, UOP)
Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.
- Linked Lesson
Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
- Linked Lesson
Decimals fractions, and percents are used to represent and describe parts and wholes of numbers.
- Financial Literacy (Grade 4-7)
Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with integers and decimals.
- Financial Literacy (Grade 4-7)
- Integers (Grade 7)
- Computational Fluency (Grade 7)
Linear relations can be represented in many interconnected ways to identify regularities and make generalizations.
- Algebra & Linear Relations (Grade 7)
The constant ratio between the circumference and diameter of circles can be used to describe, measure, and compare spatial relationships.
- Circumference, Area & Volume (Grade 7)
- *Circumference and Area of Circles (Grade 7, UOP)
Data from circle graphs can be used to illustrate proportion and to compare and interpret.
- Graphing & Transformations(Grade 7)
Daily participation in different types of physical activity influences our physical literacy and personal health and fitness goals.
- Fundamentals of Athletics & Fitness (Grade 4-7)
Physical literacy and fitness contribute to our success in and enjoyment of physical activity.
- Linked Lesson
We experience many changes in our lives that influence how we see ourselves and others.
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional and mental well-being.
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
Learning about similarities and differences in individuals and groups influences community health.
- Personal & Community Wellness (Grade 5-7, UOP)
- Identity (Grade 6-7, UOP)
Geographic conditions shaped the emergence of civilizations.
- Linked Lesson
Religious and cultural practices that emerged during this period have endured and continue to influence people.
- Linked Lesson
Increasingly complex societies required new systems of laws and government.
- Orange Shirt Day (Grade K-7)
- Social Studies (Grade 6-7, UOP)
Economic specialization and trade networks can lead to conflict and cooperation between societies.
- Linked Lesson
Evolution by natural selection provides an explanation for the diversity and survival of living things.
- Evolution & Selection (Grade 7)
Elements consist of one type of atom, and compounds consists of atoms of different elements chemically combined.
- Chemistry (Grade 7)
The electromagnetic force produces both electricity and magnetism.
- Electricity & Magnetism (Grade 7)
Earth and its climate have changed over geological time.
- Earth Science (Grade 7)
Through art making, one’s sense of identity and community continually evolves.
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Experiencing art challenges our point of view and expands our understanding of others.
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Engaging in the arts develops people’s ability to understand and express complex ideas.
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Download Complete lists of Big Ideas for Planning Purposes