*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.

Design can be responsive to identified needs.

Complex tasks require the acquisition of additional skills.

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Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies.

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Our attitudes toward careers are influenced by our view of ourselves as well as by our friends, family, and community.

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Our personal digital identity forms part of our public identity.

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Practicing respectful, ethical, inclusive behavior prepares us for the expectations of the workplace.

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Leadership represents good planning, goal-setting, and collaboration.

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Safe environments depend on everyone following safety rules.

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New experiences, both within and outside of school, expand our career skill set and options.

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Listening and viewing with intent helps us understand the message.

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Using strategies helps us understand and acquire language.

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With basic French, we can describe important people in our lives.

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Reciprocal communication is possible in French using simple, high-frequency words and patterns.

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Stories communicate ideas in a meaningful way.

Learning about Francophone communities helps us develop cultural awareness.

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Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy.

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Exploring stories and other texts help us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.

Exploring and sharing multiple perspectives extends our thinking.

Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.

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Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.

Media sources can both positively and negatively affect our understanding of important events and issues.

Mixed numbers and decimal numbers represent quantities that can be decomposed into parts and wholes.

Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with whole numbers and decimals.

Linear relations can be identified and represented using expressions with variables and line graphs and can be used to form generalizations.

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Properties of objects and shapes can be described, measured, and compared using volume, perimeter and area.

Data from the results of an experiment can be used to predict the theoretical probability of an event and to compare and interpret.

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Daily physical activity enables us to practice skillful movement and helps us develop personal fitness.

Physical literacy and fitness contribute to our success in and enjoyment of physical activity.

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We experience many changes in our lives that influence how we see ourselves and others.

Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional and mental well-being.

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Learning about similarities and differences in individuals and groups influences community health.

Economic self-interest can be a significant cause of conflict among peoples and governments.

Complex global problems require international cooperation to make difficult choices for the future.

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Systems of government vary in their respect for human rights and freedoms.

Media sources can both positively and negatively affect our understanding of important events and issues.

Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.

Multicellular organisms rely on internal systems to survive, reproduce, and interact with their environment.

Everyday materials are often mixtures.

Newton’s three laws of motion describe the relationship between force and motion.

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The solar system is part of the Milky Way, which is one of billions of galaxies.

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Engaging in creative expression and experiences expands people’s sense of identity and community.

Artistic expressions differ across time and place.

Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.

Experiencing art is a means to develop empathy for others’ perspectives and experiences.