The Planning Process
Planners + Resources | Unit Plans (subject) | Unit Plans (grade)
Big Ideas | Concepts | Curricular Competencies
*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.
- Languages
- Physical Health and Education
- Social Studies
- English Language Arts
- Francais langue seconde – immersion
- Mathematics
- Science
- Arts Education
- Applied Design, Skills and Technologies
Core French
Listening and viewing with intent supports our acquisition of French. |
The communicative context determines how we express ourselves. |
Language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice. |
Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression promotes greater understanding of our own cultural identity. |
Acquiring French provides a unique opportunity to access and interact with the Francophone world. |
Developing proficiency in French provides diverse opportunities. |
Listening and viewing with intent supports our acquisition of a new language. |
Language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice. |
The communicative context determines how we express ourselves. |
Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression promotes greater understanding of our own cultural identity. |
Developing proficiency in a new language provides unique opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad. |
Active Living
Physical activity is an important part of overall health and well-being. |
Finding enjoyable recreational activities can motivate people to participate more regularly in physical activity. |
Safety and injury prevention practices allow lifelong participation in physical activities. |
Fitness and Conditioning
Our personal fitness can be maintained or enhanced through participation in a variety of activities at different intensity levels. |
Knowing how our bodies move and function helps us stay safe during exercise. |
Following proper training guidelines and techniques can help us reach our health and fitness goals. |
Making healthy choices can help us reach our health and fitness goals. |
Outdoor Education
Participation in outdoor activities allows for the development of skills in a complex and dynamic environment. |
Spending time outdoors allows us to develop an understanding of the natural environment and ourselves. |
Participating safely in outdoor activities requires communication, teamwork, and collaboration. |
Explorations in Social Studies
The curriculum for Explorations in Social Studies 11 is designed to provide flexibility for teachers and students while ensuring that the rigorous provincial curriculum standards are met. Based on your students’ interests, your strengths, and your department’s course offerings, you may combine Big Ideas and Content, and add Elaborations to the Curricular Competencies to construct the curriculum for your course. |
Francophone History
Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities. |
The development of political institutions is influenced by economic, social, ideological, and geographic factors. |
Worldviews lead to different perspectives and ideas about developments in Canadian society. |
Historical and contemporary injustices challenge the narrative and identity of Canada as an inclusive, multicultural society. |
The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world. |
People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives. |
Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. |
Language shapes ideas and influences others. |
Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens. |
People are empowered by being able to communicate effectively. |
Engagement with writing processes can support creativity and enhance clarity of expression. |
Creative Writing
The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world. |
Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. |
Language shapes ideas and influences others. |
Creative writers take risks and persevere. |
Creative writers are observant of the world. |
Writers write for authentic audiences and real-world purposes. |
Literary Studies
The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world. |
People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives. |
Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. |
Language shapes ideas and influences others. |
Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens. |
New Media
The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world. |
People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives. |
Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. |
Language shapes ideas and influences others. |
Digital citizenship requires both knowledge of digital technology and awareness of its impact on individuals and society. |
Spoken Language
The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world. |
People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives. |
Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed. |
Language shapes ideas and influences others. |
Voice is powerful and evocative. |
Communication orale
Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world. |
The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text. |
Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write. |
The message conveys the intentions of the writer. |
The voice is powerful and evocative. |
Langue et culture de la francophonie
Communicating and living in French fosters a sense of belonging to the Francophone community. |
Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world. |
Learning French helps students establish their place in the world and forge their identity by opening doors in their personal, social, and work life. |
The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text. |
Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write. |
The exploration of texts reveals the depth and complexity of human life. |
Médias et communication numérique
Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world. |
The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text. |
The media plays a key role in social, civic, and cultural life, influencing the principles and values of a society. |
Digital citizenship implies recognizing the impact that new media have on ourselves, others, and the world. |
Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write. |
Études du cinéma et de la littérature francophones
Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world. |
The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text. |
The exploration of texts reveals the depth and complexity of human life. |
The cinematographic and literary works of a society reflect its principles and values. |
Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write. |
Computer Science
Decomposition helps us solve difficult problems by managing complexity. |
Algorithms are essential in solving problems computationally. |
Programming is a tool that allows us to implement computational thinking. |
Solving problems is a creative process. |
Foundations of Mathematics
Similar shapes and objects have proportional relationships that can be described, measured, and compared. |
Optimization informs the decision-making process in situations involving extreme values. |
Logical reasoning helps us discover and describe mathematical truths. |
Statistical analysis allows us to notice, wonder about, and answer questions about variation. |
History of Mathematics
Mathematics has developed over many centuries and continues to evolve. |
Mathematics is a global language used to understand the world. |
Societal needs across cultures have influenced the development of mathematics. |
Tools and technology are catalysts for mathematical development. |
Notable mathematicians in history nurtured a sense of play and curiosity that led to the development of many areas in mathematics. |
Algebra allows us to generalize relationships through abstract thinking. |
The meanings of, and connections between, operations extend to powers, radicals, and polynomials. |
Quadratic relationships are prevalent in the world around us. |
Trigonometry involves using proportional reasoning to solve indirect measurement problems. |
Workplace Mathematics
Proportional reasoning is used to make sense of multiplicative relationships. |
Mathematics informs financial decision making. |
3D objects are often represented and described in 2D space. |
Flexibility with number builds meaning, understanding, and confidence. |
Representing and analyzing data allows us to notice and wonder about relationships. |
Atoms and molecules are building blocks of matter. |
Organic chemistry and its applications have significant implications for human health, society, and the environment. |
The mole is a quantity used to make atoms and molecules measurable. |
Matter and energy are conserved in chemical reactions. |
Solubility within a solution is determined by the nature of the solute and the solvent. |
Earth Sciences
Earth materials are changed as they cycle through the geosphere and are used as resources, with economic and environmental implications. |
Plate tectonic theory explains the consequences of tectonic plate interactions. |
The transfer of energy through the atmosphere creates weather, and this transfer is affected by climate change. |
The distribution of water has a major influence on weather and climate. |
Astronomy seeks to explain the origin and interactions of Earth and its solar system. |
Environmental Science
Complex roles and relationships contribute to diversity of ecosystems. |
Changing ecosystems are maintained by natural processes. |
Human practices affect the sustainability of ecosystems. |
Humans can play a role in stewardship and restoration of ecosystems. |
Life Sciences
Life is a result of interactions at the molecular and cellular levels. |
Evolution occurs at the population level. |
Organisms are grouped based on common characteristics. |
An object’s motion can be predicted, analyzed, and described. |
Forces influence the motion of an object. |
Energy is found in different forms, is conserved, and has the ability to do work. |
Mechanical waves transfer energy but not matter. |
Science for Citizens
Scientific processes and knowledge inform our decisions and impact our daily lives. |
Scientific knowledge can be used to develop procedures, techniques, and technologies that have implications for places of employment. |
Scientific understanding enables humans to respond and adapt to changes locally and globally. |
Media Arts
Media arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as an artist is dependent on perseverance, resilience, refinement, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Media arts provide a unique way to represent self, identity, and culture. |
Musical Theatre
Musical theatre integrates the arts to provide unique aesthetic experiences. |
Musical theatre can effect change in the artist, audience, and environment. |
Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Musical theatre is informed by history, culture, and community. |
Active participation in musical theatre creates personal and cultural connections. |
Dance Choreography
Choreography is created using elements of dance and compositional skills. |
Choreographers make purposeful artistic choices to create and communicate meaning. |
Choreographers use a dancer’s body through which to translate movement ideas. |
Dance engages us in artistic works from multiple perspectives. |
Choreographers collaborate through critical reflection, creative co-operation, and the exchange of ideas. |
Dance Company
Growth as a dancer requires risk taking, perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Experiences in a dance company are transferable to personal, professional, and educational contexts. |
Choreographic works communicate meaning through movement, sound, costumes, and set design. |
Purposeful artistic choices communicate the choreographer’s intent. |
Dance Conditioning
Dance conditioning for improved physical performance requires commitment, perseverance, and resilience. |
Knowing about the human body empowers dancers in their technical and artistic training. |
Personal fitness can be maintained or enhanced through participation in a variety of activities at different intensity levels. |
Dance is an art form that combines flexibility, strength, and endurance. |
Personal choices influence our mental, physical, and artistic well-being. |
Dance Foundations
Dance offers unique aesthetic experiences that explore our identity and sense of belonging and have the ability to effect change. |
Dance is informed by the history, culture, and community in which it exists. |
Growth as a dancer and choreographer requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Artistic ability in dance is fully realized through a holistic relationship between body and mind. |
Purposeful artistic choices by the dancer and choreographer enhance the aesthetic experience. |
Dance Technique & Performance
Growth as a dancer requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Dancers collaborate through critical reflection, creative co-operation, and the exchange of ideas. |
Dancers can enhance their technique and skills with experience in a variety of genres or through specialization. |
Dance is an art form that combines the language of dance with the ability to create and perform. |
Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective. |
Directing & Script Development
Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through scriptwriting and directing. |
Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Scriptwriters and directors use language and action to present ideas and influence others. |
Directors shape the audience’s aesthetic experiences through script interpretation and artistic choices. |
Scriptwriters and directors are influenced by history, culture, and community. |
Individual and collective expression are founded on history, culture, and community. |
Drama offers dynamic ways to explore and share identity and a sense of belonging. |
Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Aesthetic experiences can effect change in the actor, audience, and environment. |
Drama encourages creativity, innovation, and collaboration in a variety of contexts. |
Film & Television
Moving images offer dynamic ways to explore identity and sense of belonging. |
Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Aesthetic experiences provided by moving images can effect change in artists, audiences, and environments. |
Production of moving images develops creativity, innovation, and collaboration in a variety of contexts. |
History, culture, and community can influence film and television productions. |
Theatre Company
Growth as a theatre company requires perseverance, reflection, and collaboration. |
Artists use movement, sound, imagery, and language to provide unique aesthetic experiences. |
Active participation in a theatre company creates personal and cultural connections. |
Preparing a theatre production requires active engagement, resilience, and commitment. |
Theatre Production
Ideas and beliefs conveyed through a theatre production can effect change in the actor, audience, and environment. |
Individual and collective expression are founded on history, culture, and community. |
Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through theatre productions. |
Growth as an artist requires perseverance, reflection, and resilience. |
Production challenges are resolved through creativity, innovation, and collaboration. |
Choral Music (includes Concert Choir 11, Chamber Choir 11, Vocal Jazz 11)
Music reflects aspects of time, place, and community. |
The nuances of musical expression are understood through deeper study and performance. |
A musician’s interpretation of existing work is an opportunity to represent identity and culture. |
Enduring understanding of music is gained through perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Choral music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective. |
Composition & Production
Composers and producers develop creative skill and proficiency through perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Composers capture and reflect aspects of time, place, and community through music. |
Music composition and production provides an opportunity to represent our identity, context, and culture. |
Music composition and production offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective. |
Contemporary Music
Music reflects aspects of time, place, and community. |
The nuances of musical expression are understood through deeper study and performance. |
A musician’s interpretation of existing work is an opportunity to represent identity and culture. |
Enduring understanding of music is gained through perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Contemporary music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective. |
Instrumental Music (includes Concert Band 11, Orchestra 11, Jazz Band 11, Guitar 11)
Music reflects aspects of time, place, and community. |
The nuances of musical expression are understood through deeper study and performance. |
A musician’s interpretation of existing work is an opportunity to represent identity and culture. |
Enduring understanding of music is gained through perseverance, resilience, and risk taking. |
Instrumental music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective. |
Art Studio
An artist’s intention transforms materials into art. |
Visual arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as an artist is dependent on perseverance, resilience, refinement, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Artistic works offer unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts. |
Graphic Arts
An artist’s intention transforms materials into art. |
Graphic arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as a graphic artist is dependent on perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Artistic works offer unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts. |
Photography is a unique art form that captures images in a variety of contexts. |
Photography reflects the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as a photographer is dependent on perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Studio Arts 2D
An artist’s intention transforms materials into two-dimensional art. |
Visual arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as an artist is dependent on perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Two-dimensional artistic works provide unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts. |
Studio Arts 3D
An artist’s intention transforms materials into three-dimensional art. |
Visual arts reflect the interconnectedness of the individual, community, history, and society. |
Growth as an artist is dependent on perseverance, resilience, and reflection. |
Artistic expression is an artist’s physical, emotional, and cognitive articulation of our humanity. |
Three-dimensional artistic works provide unique aesthetic experiences in a variety of contexts. |
Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration. |
Financial literacy promotes sound and effective business design. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Marketing and Promotions
Marketing services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration |
Personal design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can influence people’s lives. |
Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration. |
Personal design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can influence communications and relationships. |
Culinary Arts
Service and creativity inform the culinary arts |
Cuisine design interests require the evaluation and refinement of culinary principles and practices. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Food Studies
Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Interpersonal and Family Relationships
Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration. |
Service design interests require the evaluation and refinement of problem-solving skills. |
Tools and technologies can influence communications and relationships. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Computer Information Systems
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Computer Programming
The design cycle is an ongoing reflective process. |
Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Digital Communications
The design cycle is an ongoing reflective process. |
Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Design and content can influence the lives of others. |
Graphic Production
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Media Design
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design choices require self-exploration, evaluation, and the refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can influence people’s lives. |
Automotive Technology
Vehicle operation, service, and maintenance include consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal service and maintenance interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts. |
Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills. |
Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes. |
Download Complete lists of Big Ideas for Planning Purposes