The Planning Process
Planners + Resources | Unit Plans (subject) | Unit Plans (grade)
Big Ideas | Concepts | Curricular Competencies
*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.
Design can be improved with prototyping and testing.
- Linked Lesson
Skills are developed through practice, effort and action.
- Weaving (Grade 4-5)
The choice of technology and tools depends on the task.
- Linked Lesson
Public identity is influenced by personal choices and decisions.
- Linked Lesson
Exploring our strengths and abilities can help us identify our goals.
- Linked Lesson
Leadership requires listening to and respecting the ideas of others.
- Linked Lesson
Families and community relationships can be a source of support and guidance when solving problems and making decisions.
- Linked Lesson
Good learning and work habits contribute to short and long term personal and career success.
- Linked Lesson
Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy.
- Linked Lesson
Exploring stories and other texts help us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
Texts can be understood from different perspectives.
- Literary Elements in Fiction (Grade 4)
- The Past Shapes Today (Grade 4, UOP)
- Critical Literacy (Grade 4-7)
Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.
- Literary Elements in Fiction (Grade 4)
- Creative Writing (Grade 4-5)
Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
- Linked Lesson
Fractions and decimals are types of numbers that can represent quantities.
- Financial Literacy (Grade 4-7)
Development of computational fluency and multiplicative thinking requires analysis of patterns and relations in multiplication and division.
- Financial Literacy (Grade 4-7)
Regular changes in patterns can be identified and represented using tools and tables.
- Linked Lesson
Polygons are closed shapes with similar attributes that can be described, measured, and compared.
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
Analysis and interpreting experiments in data probability develops an understanding of chance.
- Linked Lesson
Daily participation in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels benefits all aspects of our well-being.
- Fundamentals of Athletics & Fitness (Grade 4-7)
Knowing what we enjoy doing and knowing about our opportunities to participate in those activities helps us develop an active lifestyle.
- Linked Lesson
Understanding ourselves and the various aspects of health helps us develop a balanced lifestyle.
- Linked Lesson
Personal choices and social and environmental factors influence our health and well-being
- Linked Lesson
Developing healthy relationships helps us feel connected, supported, and valued.
- Linked Lesson
The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people, and communities of Canada.
- BC: Gold Rush & Railway(Grade 4)
Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, which continues to shape Canada’s identity.
- The Past Shapes Today (Grade 4, UOP)
Demographic changes in North America created shifts in economic and political power.
- Linked Lesson
British Columbia followed a unique path in becoming part of Canada.
- BC: Gold Rush & Railway(Grade 4)
All living things sense and respond to their environment.
- Linked Lesson
Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase.
- Matter – Chemistry (Grade 4)
Energy can be transformed.
- Linked Lesson
The motions of Earth and the moon cause observable patterns that affect living and non-living systems.
- Linked Lesson
Creative expression is a means to explore and share one’s identity within a community.
- Creative Writing (Grade 4-5)
- First Nations Paddles (Grade 4-7)
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Artists experiment in a variety of ways to discover new possibilities
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)
Exploring works of art exposes us to diverse values, knowledge, and perspectives.
- Visual Arts Units | Gordon Smith Gallery (Grade K-12)