*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.

Social, ethical and sustainability considerations impact design.

  • Linked Lesson

Complex tasks require the sequencing of skills.

  • Linked Lesson

Complex tasks require different tools and technologies at different stages.

  • Linked Lesson

Reflecting on our preferences and skills helps us identify the steps we need to take to achieve our career goals.

  • Linked Lesson

The value of work in our lives, communities, and society can be viewed from diverse populations.

  • Linked Lesson

Achieving our learning goals requires effort and perseverance.

  • Linked Lesson

Adapting to economic and labour market changes requires flexibility.

  • Linked Lesson

Our career paths reflect the personal, community and educational choices we make.

  • Linked Lesson

Listening and viewing with intent strengthens our understanding and acquisition of French.

  • Linked Lesson

We can have meaningful conversations about things that are important to us in French.

  • Linked Lesson

Stories give us unique ways to interpret and share knowledge thoughts, and feelings.

Francophone creative works are an expression of Francophone culture.

  • Linked Lesson

Acquiring French provides opportunities to explore our own and cultural identity from a new perspective.

  • Linked Lesson

Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy.

  • Linked Lesson

Exploring stories and other texts help us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.

  • Linked Lesson

People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.

  • Linked Lesson

Texts are socially, culturally and historically constructed.

  • Linked Lesson

Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.

  • Linked Lesson

The principles and processes underlying operations with numbers apply equally to algebraic situations and can be described and analyzed.

  • Linked Lesson

Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with rational numbers.

  • Linked Lesson

Continuous linear relations can be identified and represented in many connected ways to identify regularities and make generalizations.

  • Linked Lesson

Similar shapes have proportional relationships that can be described, measured and compared.

  • Linked Lesson

Analyzing the validity, reliability, and representation of data enables us to compare and interpret.

  • Linked Lesson

Daily participation in different types of physical activity influences our physical literacy and personal health and fitness goals.

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Lifelong participation in physical activity has many benefits and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Linked Lesson

Healthy relationships can help us lead rewarding and fulfilling lives.

  • Linked Lesson

Healthy choices influence our physical, emotional and mental well-being.

  • Linked Lesson

Advocating for the health and wellbeing of others connects us to our community.

  • Linked Lesson

Emerging ideas and ideologies profoundly influence societies and events.

  • Linked Lesson

The physical environment influences the nature of political, social, and economic change.

  • Linked Lesson

Disparities in power alter the balance of relationships between individuals and between societies.

Collective identity is constructed and can change over time.

  • Linked Lesson

Cells are derived from cells.

  • Linked Lesson

The electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature.

  • Linked Lesson

Electric current is the flow of electric charge.

  • Linked Lesson

The biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere are interconnected, as matter cycles and energy flows through them.

  • Linked Lesson

Identity is explored, expressed, and impacted through arts experiences.

  • Linked Lesson

The arts provide opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people form a variety of times, places and cultures.

  • Linked Lesson

Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.

  • Linked Lesson

Creative arts experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others.

  • Linked Lesson

Identity is explored, expressed and impacted through dance experiences.

  • Linked Lesson

Dance provides opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people form a variety of times, places and cultures.

  • Linked Lesson

Dance uses a unique sensory language for creating and communicating.

  • Linked Lesson

Collaborative dance experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others.

  • Linked Lesson

Identity is explored, expressed and impacted through drama experiences.

  • Linked Lesson

Drama provides opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people form a variety of times, places and cultures.

  • Linked Lesson

Drama uses a unique sensory language for creating and communicating.

  • Linked Lesson

Collaborative drama experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others.

  • Linked Lesson

Identity is explored, expressed and impacted through music experiences.

  • Linked Lesson

Music provides opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people form a variety of times, places and cultures.

  • Linked Lesson

Music uses a unique sensory language for creating and communicating.

  • Linked Lesson

Collaborative music experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others.

  • Linked Lesson

Identity is explored, expressed and impacted through visual arts experiences.

Visual Arts provides opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of people form a variety of times, places and cultures.

Visual Arts uses a unique sensory language for creating and communicating.

Art experiences can build community and nurture relationships with others.