*indicates new content that has been added since June 2020.

Career Life Education

Career-life development includes ongoing cycles of exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding.
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Career-life decisions influence and are influenced by internal and external factors, including local and global trends.
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Engaging in networks and reciprocal relationships can guide and broaden career-life awareness and options.
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A sense of purpose and career-life balance support well-being.
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Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
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Core French

Listening and viewing with intent supports our acquisition of French.
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The communicative context determines how we express ourselves.
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Language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice.
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Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression promotes greater understanding of our own cultural identity.           
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Acquiring French provides a unique opportunity to access and interact with the Francophone world.
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Developing proficiency in French provides diverse opportunities.
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Listening and viewing with intent supports our acquisition of a new language.
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Language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice.
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The communicative context determines how we express ourselves.
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Exploring diverse forms of cultural expression promotes greater understanding of our own cultural identity.           
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Developing proficiency in a new language provides unique opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad.
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Active Living

Physical activity is an important part of overall health and well-being.
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Finding enjoyable recreational activities can motivate people to participate more regularly in physical activity.
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Safety and injury prevention practices allow lifelong participation in physical activities.
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Fitness and Conditioning

Our personal fitness can be maintained or enhanced through participation in a variety of activities at different intensity levels.
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Knowing how our bodies move and function helps us stay safe during exercise.
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Following proper training guidelines and techniques can help us reach our health and fitness goals.
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Personal choices influence our health and fitness goals.
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Outdoor Education

Participation in outdoor activities allows for the development of skills in a complex and dynamic environment.
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Spending time outdoors allows us to develop an understanding of the natural environment, ourselves, and others.
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Participating safely in outdoor activities requires communication, teamwork, and collaboration.
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Participation in outdoor activities allows for the development of leadership skills that can be applied in a variety of contexts and environments.
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20th Century World History

Nationalist movements can unite people in common causes or lead to intense conflict between different groups.
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The rapid development and proliferation of technology in the 20th century led to profound social, economic, and political changes.
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The breakdown of long-standing empires created new economic and political systems.
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Asian Studies

The breadth and diversity of Asia’s physical and human resources have contributed to the development of distinct and disparate political, cultural, and economic regions in the late 20th century.
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Colonialism, imperialism, and resource disparity have been the primary reasons for conflict and movement of peoples in Asia.
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Ethnic, regional, and national identities, shaped in part by geography and migration, exert significant political and cultural influence in Asia.
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Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth in Asia in the late 20th century have created complex environmental challenges.
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BC First Peoples

The identities, worldviews, and languages of B.C. First Peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through their connection to the land.
The impact of contact and colonialism continues to affect the political, social, and economic lives of B.C. First Peoples.
Cultural expressions convey the richness, diversity, and resiliency of B.C. First Peoples.
Through self-governance, leadership, and self-determination, B.C. First Peoples challenge and resist Canada’s ongoing colonialism.
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Comparative Cultures

Understanding the diversity and complexity of cultural expressions in one culture enhances our understanding of other cultures.
Interactions between belief systems, social organization, and languages influence artistic expressions of culture.
Geographic and environmental factors influenced the development of agriculture, trade, and increasingly complex cultures.
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Value systems and belief systems shape the structures of power and authority within a culture.
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Comparative World Religions

Religious belief, across time and place, is a common aspect of many human societies.
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Religion can powerfully shape social, political, legal, and environmental values.
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Comparing beliefs provides insights into and understanding of diverse global cultures and peoples.
An individual’s search for existential insight and transcendence can be shaped by a variety of different religious, spiritual, or philosophical traditions.
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Contemporary Indigenous Studies

The identities, worldviews, and languages of indigenous peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through their connection to the land.
Indigenous peoples are reclaiming mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being despite the continuing effects of colonialism.
Indigenous peoples continue to advocate and assert rights to self-determination.
Reconciliation requires all colonial societies to work together to foster healing and address injustices.
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Economic Theory

Contemporary economic theory, practice, and terminology are grounded in centuries of economic theory.
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Observing, interpreting, and judging past economic conditions from different perspectives and worldviews gave rise to competing theoretical approaches.
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The implementation of economic theories has profound effects on social and political decision making and movements.
Economic systems have underlying and often opposing ethical standards and implications.
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Genocide Studies

The intentional destruction of peoples and their cultures is not inevitable, and such attempts can be disrupted and resisted.
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The use of the term “genocide” to describe atrocities has political, legal, social, and cultural ramifications.
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Despite international commitments to prohibit genocide, violence targeted against groups of people has continued to challenge global peace and prosperity.
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While genocides are caused by and carried out for different reasons, all genocides share similarities in progression and scope.
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Human Geography

Analyzing data from a variety of sources allows us to better understand our globally connected world.
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Demographic patterns and population distribution are influenced by physical features and natural resources.
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Human activities alter landscapes in a variety of ways.
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A geographic region can encompass a variety of physical features and/or human interactions.
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Law Studies

Understanding legal rights and responsibilities allows citizens to participate more fully in society.
Laws can maintain the status quo and can also be a force for change.
A society’s laws and legal framework affect many aspects of people’s daily lives.
Laws are interpreted, and these interpretations may evolve over time as a society’s values and worldviews change.
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Philosophy is a discipline that examines the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
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Philosophy provides tools for investigating meaning and fostering understanding of different ways of thinking.
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Examining questions in philosophy allows people to question their assumptions and better understand their own beliefs.
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While philosophical questions often examine issues with no definitive answers, logic and reasoned arguments can show which answers have more or less value.
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Physical Geography

Incorporating data from a variety of sources allows us to better understand our globally connected world.
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Natural processes have an impact on the landscape and human settlement.
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Interactions between human activities and the atmosphere affect local and global weather and climate.
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Political Studies

Understanding how political decisions are made is critical to being an informed and engaged citizen.
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Political institutions and ideology shape both the exercise of power and the nature of political outcomes.
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Decision making in a democratic system of government is influenced by the distribution of political and social power.
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Social Justice

Social justice issues are interconnected.
Individual worldviews shape and inform our understanding of social justice issues.
The causes of social injustice are complex and have lasting impacts on society.
Social justice initiatives can transform individuals and systems.
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Urban Studies

Urbanization is a critical force that shapes both human life and the planet.
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The historical development of cities has been shaped by geographic, economic, political, and social factors.
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Decision making in urban and regional planning requires balancing political, economic, social, and environmental factors.
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Urban planning decisions and other government policies can dramatically affect the overall quality of life in cities.
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The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
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Creative Writing

The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Creative writers take risks and persevere.
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Creative writers are observant of the world.
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Writers write for authentic audiences and real-world purposes.
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English Studies

The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
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The examination of First Peoples cultures and lived experiences through text builds understanding of Canadians’ responsibilities in relation to Reconciliation.
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Literary Studies 

The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.
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New Media

The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Digital citizens have rights and responsibilities in an increasingly globalized society.
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Spoken Language

The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world.
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People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
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Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.
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Language shapes ideas and influences others.
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Voice is powerful and evocative.
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Anatomy and Physiology

Homeostasis is maintained through physiological processes.
Gene expression, through protein synthesis, is an interaction between genes and the environment.
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Organ systems have complex interrelationships to maintain homeostasis.
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Reactants must collide to react, and the reaction rate is dependent on the surrounding conditions.
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Dynamic equilibrium can be shifted by changes to the surrounding conditions.
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Saturated solutions are systems in equilibrium.
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Acid or base strength depends on the degree of ion dissociation.
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Oxidation and reduction are complementary processes that involve the gain or loss of electrons.
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Environmental Science

Human actions affect the quality of water and its ability to sustain life.
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Human activities cause changes in the global climate system.
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Sustainable land use is essential to meet the needs of a growing population.
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Living sustainably supports the well-being of self, community, and Earth.
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Minerals, rocks, and earth materials form in response to conditions within and on the Earth’s surface and are the foundation of many resource-based industries.
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Earth’s geological and biological history is interpreted and inferred from information stored in rock strata and fossil evidence.
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The plate tectonic theory explains the changes that occur within Earth and to Earth’s crust throughout geological time.
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The form, arrangement, and structure of rocks are affected by three-dimensional forces over time.
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Weathering and erosion processes continually reshape landscapes through the interaction of the geosphere with the hydrosphere and atmosphere.
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Measurement of motion depends on our frame of reference.
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Forces can cause linear and circular motion.
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Forces and energy interactions occur within fields.
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Momentum is conserved within a closed and isolated system.
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Français langue seconde – immersion

Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world.
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Developing a mastery of French makes it possible to explore employment, travel, and personal growth opportunities as well as opportunities to study abroad.
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The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text.
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Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write.
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The exploration of texts reveals the depth and complexity of human life.
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Careful editing of a text leads students to develop a rich and polished style.
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Communication orale

Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world.
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The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text.
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Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write.
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The message conveys the intentions of the writer.
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The voice is powerful and evocative.
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Langue et culture de la francophonie

Communicating and living in French fosters a sense of belonging to the Francophone community.
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Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world.
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Learning French helps students establish their place in the world and forge their identity by opening doors in their personal, social, and work life.
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The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text.
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Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write.
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The exploration of texts reveals the depth and complexity of human life.
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Médias et communication numérique

Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world.
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Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write.
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The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text.
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The media plays a key role in social, civic, and cultural life, influencing the principles and values of a society.
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Digital citizenship implies recognizing the impact that new media have on ourselves, others, and the world.
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Études du cinéma et de la littérature francophones

Linguistic variations offer cultural reference points within the French-speaking world.
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The life experience, culture, and current context of the audience influence the interpretation of a text.
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The exploration of texts reveals the depth and complexity of human life.
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The cinematographic and literary works of a society reflect its principles and values.
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Linguistic and cultural identities are shaped by what we hear, see, read, and write.
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Apprenticeship Mathematics

Design involves investigating, planning, creating, and evaluating.
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Constructing 3D objects often requires a 2D plan.
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Transferring mathematical skills between problems requires conceptual understanding and flexible thinking.
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Proportional reasoning is used to make sense of multiplicative relationships.
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Choosing a tool based on required precision and accuracy is important when measuring.
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The concept of a limit is foundational to calculus.
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Differential calculus develops the concept of instantaneous rate of change.
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Integral calculus develops the concept of determining a product involving a continuously changing quantity over an interval.
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Derivatives and integrals are inversely related.
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Computer Science

Decomposition and abstraction help us to solve difficult problems by managing complexity.
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Algorithms are essential in solving problems computationally.
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Programming is a tool that allows us to implement computational thinking.
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Solving problems is a creative process.
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Data representation allows us to understand and solve problems efficiently.
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Foundations of Mathematics

Probabilistic thinking informs decision making in situations involving chance and uncertainty.
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Modelling data requires an understanding of a variety of functions.
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Mathematical analysis informs financial decisions.
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Through explorations of spatial relationships, we can develop a geometrical appreciation of the world around us.
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Diagrams are fundamental to investigating, communicating, and discovering properties and relations in geometry.
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Finding invariance amidst variation drives geometric investigation.
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Geometry involves creating, testing, and refining definitions.
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The proving process begins with conjecturing, looking for counter-examples, and refining the conjecture, and the process may end with a written proof.
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Geometry stories and applications vary across cultures and time.
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Using inverses is the foundation of solving equations and can be extended to relationships between functions.
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Understanding the characteristics of families of functions allows us to model and understand relationships and to build connections between classes of functions.
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Transformations of shapes extend to functions and relations in all of their representations.
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Statistics plays an integral role in research, decision making, and policy in society.
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The research question and practical and ethical issues determine whether a statistical study should be observational or experimental.
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Statistical analysis allows us to explore, describe, model, and explain variation.
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We can develop statistical thinking to help make inferences intuitive.
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Statistical findings gain value through effective communication.
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Financial literacy promotes the financial well-being of both individuals and businesses.
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Business creates opportunities to enable change.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Business Computer Applications

Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Business creates opportunities to enable change.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Ethical marketing contributes to a healthier global marketplace.
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Business creates opportunities to enable change.
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Different technologies and tools are required at different stages of the design process.
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Financial and economic literacy promotes the financial and economic well-being of both individuals and businesses.
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Business creates opportunities to enable change.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Financial Accounting

Financial literacy promotes the financial well-being of both individuals and businesses.
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Business creates opportunities to enable change.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Personal design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can influence communications and relationships.
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Child Development and Caregiving

Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Service design interests require the evaluation and refinement of facilitation skills.
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Tools and technologies can influence communications and relationships.
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Culinary Arts

Service and creativity inform the culinary arts.
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Cuisine design interests require the evaluation and refinement of culinary principles and practices.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Fashion Industry

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Food Studies

Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Housing and Living Environments

Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration.
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Service design interests require the evaluation and refinement of problem-solving skills.
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Tools and technologies can influence communications and relationships.
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Specialized Studies in Food

Creativity and flavour can enhance food product design and service.
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Culinary design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.  


Computer Information Systems

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Computer Programming

The design cycle is an ongoing reflective process.
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Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Digital Media Development

The design cycle is an ongoing reflective process.
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Personal design choices require self-exploration, collaboration, and evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Design and content can influence the lives of others.
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Graphic Production

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Design choices require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Media Design

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design choices require self-exploration, evaluation, and the refinement of ideas and skills.
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Tools and technologies can influence people’s lives.
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Art Metal and Jewellery

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.

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Automotive Technology

Vehicle operation, service, and maintenance include consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal service and maintenance interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Engine and Drivetrain

Vehicle operation, service, and maintenance include consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal service and maintenance interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Furniture and Cabinetry

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Industrial Coding and Design

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Machining and Welding

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Remotely Operated Vehicles and Drones

Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Design for the life cycle includes consideration of social and environmental impacts.
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Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
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Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.
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Media Arts

Media arts are an essential element of culture and reveal insights into the human experience.
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Refining artistic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Purposeful artistic choices enhance the depth and impact of an artistic work.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to change our perspective.
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Musical Theatre

Musical theatre integrates the arts to provide unique aesthetic experiences.
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Ideas and beliefs conveyed in a musical theatre production can effect change in the artist, audience, and environment.
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Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection.
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Musical theatre is informed by history, culture, and values.
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Active participation in the arts is essential to building culture, expressing identity, and providing insight into human experience.
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Dance Choreography

Choreographers use dance elements and composition skills to create innovative choreography.
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Artistic intent and meaning are communicated though choreography.
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Choreographers use a dancer’s body through which to translate movement ideas.
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Dance engages us in artistic works from multiple perspectives.
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Choreographers collaborate through critical reflection, creative co-operation, and the exchange of ideas.
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Dance Company

Experiences in a dance company are transferable to personal, professional, and educational contexts.
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Choreographic works communicate meaning through movement, sound, costumes, and set design.
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Artistic choices enhance the choreographer’s intent.
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Through dance we can communicate ideas, challenge opinions, and inspire change.
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Active participation in the arts is essential to building culture, expressing personal identity, and gaining insight into the human experience.
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Dance Conditioning

Dance conditioning for improved physical performance requires commitment, perseverance, and resilience.
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Deepening their knowledge of the human body empowers dancers in their technical and artistic training.
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Following proper training guidelines and techniques can help dancers reach their health, fitness, and dance-specific goals.
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Dance requires a high level of physical fitness for the creation and performance of artistic works.
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Personal choices influence our mental, physical, and artistic well-being.
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Dance Foundations

Dance offers unique aesthetic experiences that explore identity, history, culture, and community.
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The skills and processes of dance education are transferable to a variety of contexts.
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Acquiring technical and creative proficiency in dance requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Artistic ability in dance is fully realized through a holistic relationship between body and mind.
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Purposeful artistic choices by the dancer and choreographer enhance movement, meaning, and intent.
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Dance Technique & Performance

Growth as a dancer requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Dancers collaborate through critical reflection, creative co-operation, and the exchange of ideas.
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Dancers can refine their technique and skills with experience in a variety of genres or through specialization.
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Dance is an art form that combines the language of dance with the ability to create and perform.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
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Directing & Script Development

Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through scriptwriting and directing.
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Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection.
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Scriptwriters and directors use language and action to present ideas and influence others.
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Directors shape the audience’s aesthetic experiences through script interpretation and artistic choices.
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Scriptwriters and directors are influenced by history, culture, and community.
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Drama is a way of sharing and understanding traditions, perspectives, cultures, and worldviews.
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Drama offers dynamic ways to express our identity and sense of belonging.
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Growth as an artist requires perseverance, resilience, and reflection.      
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
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Drama provides opportunities for creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
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Film & Television

Moving images offer dynamic ways of exploring identity and culture.
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Moving-image artists use technology in innovative and reflective ways.
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Aesthetic experiences provided by moving images can effect change in artists, audiences, and environments.
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Technology and emerging media can transform communication in a variety of ways.
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History, culture, and value systems can influence film and television productions.
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Theatre Company

Experiences in a theatre company are transferable to personal, professional, and educational contexts.
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Growth as a theatre company requires perseverance, risk taking, and collaboration.
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Artists can communicate ideas, challenge opinions, and inspire change in a theatre company.
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Active participation in a theatre company provides insight into identity, culture, and human experience.
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Theatre productions are informed by history, culture, and values.
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Theatre Production

The artistic and technical aspects of theatre production offer opportunities to convey meaning and inspire change.
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Individual and collective expression are founded on history, culture, and community
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Traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories can be shared through theatre productions.
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Growth as an artist requires perseverance, risk taking, and resilience.
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Production challenges are resolved through creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
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Choral Music (includes Concert Choir 12, Chamber Choir 12, Vocal Jazz 12)

Music communicates traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories.
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Creative and technical proficiency in music is transferable across different aspects of our lives.
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A musician’s intention can transform meaning and expression in musical works.
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Purposeful choices enhance the quality, artistry, and authenticity of musical processes.
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Choral music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective.
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Composition & Production

Music communicates traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories.
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Composition and production can be adapted to facilitate limitless expression and meaning.
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Creative and technical proficiency in music is transferable across different contexts.
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Purposeful choices enhance the quality, artistry, and authenticity of musical processes.
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Music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective.
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Contemporary Music

Music communicates traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories.
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Creative and technical proficiency in music is transferable across different aspects of our lives.
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Music can be adapted to facilitate limitless expression and meaning.
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Purposeful choices enhance the quality, artistry, and authenticity of musical processes.
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Contemporary music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective.
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Instrumental Music (includes Concert Band 12, Orchestra 12, Jazz Band 12, Guitar 12)

Music communicates traditions, perspectives, worldviews, and stories.
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Creative and technical proficiency in music is transferable across different aspects of our lives.
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Music can be adapted to facilitate limitless expression and meaning.
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Purposeful choices enhance the quality, artistry, and authenticity of musical processes.
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Instrumental music offers aesthetic experiences that can transform our perspective.
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Art Studio

An artist’s intention transforms materials into art.
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Visual arts are an essential element of culture and personal identity
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Refining artistic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Purposeful artistic choices enhance the depth and meaning of artistic work.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
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Graphic Arts

An artist’s intention transforms materials into art.
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Graphic arts contribute to culture and reveal insights into the human experience.
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Refining artistic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Purposeful artistic choices enhance the depth and meaning of graphic artworks.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to change our perspective.
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Photography is a unique art form that captures images for a variety of purposes.
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Photography is an essential element of culture and reveals insights into the human experience.
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Refining photographic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Purposeful artistic choices by the photographer enhance the impact of a photograph.
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Photography provides aesthetic experiences that have the power to effect change.
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Studio Arts 2D

An artist’s intention transforms materials into two-dimensional art.
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Visual arts are an essential element of culture and personal identity.
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Refining artistic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
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Purposeful artistic choices enhance depth and meaning in artistic works.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
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Studio Arts 3D

An artist’s intention transforms materials into three-dimensional art.
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Visual arts are an essential element of culture and personal identity.
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Refining artistic expression requires perseverance, resilience, and risk taking.
  • linked lesson
Purposeful artistic choices enhance the depth and impact of artistic works.
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Aesthetic experiences have the power to transform our perspective.
  • linked lesson