Indigenous Education
Unit Plans
Orange Shirt Day
Social Studies, K-7 Unit | Gr 8-12 Unit
In this unit, students will learn about the importance of Orange Shirt Day and about honouring residential school survivors. This outline lesson can be broken down into separate lessons at the Elementary level but is broad enough to be expanded on for older students high school.
Applied Design, Skills & Technology, Gr K-7 Unit
In this unit, students will learn about the ancient craft of “weaving.” Weaving has been used by numerous cultures in Canada both historically and presently. Here, students will learn about the cultural significance of Métis sash weaving and their connection to the land. Students will develop knowledge and skills around the process of weaving and will finish by creating a Métis-inspired group or individual weaving sample.
First Nations Paddles
Math, Visual Arts, Language Arts, Gr 4-7 Unit
This unit is an interdisciplinary unit that explores shapes you typically see in Coast Salish and other First Nations works of art. Students begin by exploring 2D and 3D shapes in math, and making connections to the typical First Nations shapes (i.e. ovoid, split-u, etc). After this, student are asked to create their own paper paddle design that incorporates these shapes, using a template and some method of colouring them in. Lastly, once the paddles have been completed, students work through the writing process to create a story of their paddle (i.e. how they made it, the story it represents), that they can then share orally.
Indian Residential Schools
Language Arts & Social Studies, Gr 5 Unit
This unit will cover the history of Indian Residential Schools starting with pre-contact of First Peoples in Canada through colonization and moving towards Reconciliation.
Storytelling, Cultural Identity & First Nations Culture
Core French, Gr 6-7 Unit | Gr 8-10 Unit
This unit with provide students with the opportunity to explore a First Nations story and create their own using basic French vocabulary suitable to their grade level. Students will explore First Nations culture as well as their own cultural identity.
Exploring Identity
English Language Arts, Gr 10 Unit
This unit will use the Short Story genre to explore essential questions around identity and deepen student understanding of themselves and their connection to literature. The unit could also be used with poetry, a class novel study, or literature circles. Identity could also be the overarching, theme/big idea for the entire year of study in English 10. The interdisciplinary links between Art and Socials could be explored and used to enrich the learning events and support the transfer goals.
Who am I?
Social Studies, Gr 10-12 Unit
This lesson on identity is designed to span over two classes and allows students to examine the concept of identity through a critical lens to understand differing world views of identity. The lesson starts with the identity as individuals, then shifts to the community and then to a national level by examining three case studies. The two day lesson is scaffolded to allow students the opportunity to examine and discuss specific case studies and apply critical thinking skills.
FPPL Resources
Where can I find additional resources?
Start with your school library. Your librarian should have a collection of authentic resources. The NVSD Indigenous Education team is also available to collaborate on resources.
A few good places to start are:
FNESC: First Nations Education Steering Committee has published numerous teacher guides from a First Nations perspective in different curricular areas.
Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives in the Classroom: Moving Forward (PDF)
Strong Nations Lesson Plans: Strong Nations is First Nations publishing house on Vancouver Island. You will find several titles that have been selected to specifically to connect with teaching reading comprehension through the use of 6 learning strategies for both fiction and non-fiction. Some of the selected titles also include a free downloadable lesson plan.
ERAC – Resources for Integrating Aboriginal Ways of Knowing and Learning: ERAC is a member-based organization providing services to the K12 education sector in B.C. and the Yukon. Membership is voluntary and includes BC public school districts, Yukon Education, and BC independent schools.
SetBC Classroom Technology and First Peoples Principles of Learning: This course explores examples and strategies of ways teachers can use technology-based projects aligned with the First Peoples Principles of Learning to begin infusing a First People’s perspective into their classroom environment and community.
Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement 2011-2016
Authentic First Peoples Resources for Use in K-7 Classrooms
Connecting the Core Competencies with First Peoples Learning Expanded Squamish and Metis
English 10 and 11 First Peoples Teacher Resource Guide
English 12 First Peoples Teacher Resource Guide
In Our Own Words - Bringing Authentic First Peoples Content
Updated FNESC Authentic Resources Guide October 2016