Welcome to the NVSD44 Curriculum Hub
The Curriculum Hub is designed to support teachers as they engage students with the new curriculum. The Hub is a one stop shop where teachers can access current research, tools and examples of planners, assessment and support materials to successfully implement the new curriculum. The planners and their foundational principles are deeply connected to the UbD model of Wiggins and McTighe.
Sample Lessons:
- *Media Literacy (Grade 6, UOP)
- *Circumference and Area of Circles (Grade 7, UOP)
- *Patterns of Inheritance (Grade 10, UOP)
- Click here for more lessons
Have a great one to share? Send it to the HUB email: curriculumhub@sd44.ca
The District Education Continuity Guide has links/resources for inquiry instruction, resources for various content areas, online tools for staff and students, and even a great Maker ideas and videos for creating at home!
The guide is going to be constantly evolving to meet the needs of teachers and students going forward and we welcome your requests or suggestions.
You will also see the new “Ask A Librarian” link that we hope you find useful. Please feel free to share with parents and students as well.
Need help? Reach out to a SD44 Secondary School Teacher Librarian! We are here to help with NVSD Secondary Teachers’ questions. Send your enquires by email to askalibrarian@sd44.ca