Unit Plan: Field Study – The Wonder of Birds
Science / Grade 6

Big Ideas
- Multi-cellular organisms rely on internal systems to survive, reproduce, and interact with their environment. (Science 6)
- Systems
- Organism
- Interdependence
- Survival
- Adaptation
- Reproduction
- Interactions
- Environment
- Stewardship
Essential Questions
Students will keep considering…
- How is form related to function in bird beaks?
- What adaptations help a bird survive in its environment?
- How do birds spend their time?
- What interactions do you observe –between birds, and between birds and their environment?
- Can birds be identified by a variety of features?
- How do human impact birds and how can negative impacts be mitigated?
- What is a system?
- What does it mean to think using a systems approach?
- How have I experienced ‘Systems’ at ODS? (e.g. how birds interact with each other and their environment)
- How am I connected to ‘Systems’ in my everyday life?
Evaluative Criteria
Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding by:
- correctly identifying bird species using a field guide
- correctly aging taxidermy eagle specimens
- matching bird beak types with types of food eaten
- observing taxidermy bird specimens and pair share expected food type based on beak shape
- completing a time study sheet after observing a bird’s behaviour
Monitoring Progress
Teacher will monitor progress:
Teachers can monitor progress through ongoing formative assessment including but not limited to:
- N/A
- BirdQuest Beaks Matching sheet
- Binoculars – ideally one pair per student
- Binocular Basics sheet
- Cheakamus Centre Bird Study map
- Field guides to birds
- Legends:
Keepers of the Earth – How Turtle Flew South for the Winter (p.157)
People of the Land: Legends of the Four Host First Nations – Smekw’á7 – The Great Blue Heron (p.75)
Squamish Legends: Seagull Raven and the Daylight Box
How the Robin Got Its Red Breast: A Legend of the Sechelt People – illustrated by Charlie Craigan.
- Time Study template
- Owls and Crows Activity Instructions
- Beetles: I notice, I wonder, It reminds me of
- Beetles: Walk and Talk
- Extension sheet (for back at home school) – Project Wild – Adaptation Artistry p. 139, p. 85; Crane Game (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
Teacher Reflection
- What aspects of the field study went well?
- What did students struggle with?
- What did you struggle with?
- What would you add/revise the next time you taught this unit?
- Were there any unintended outcomes?
- Were students engaged?
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
- These learning events/activities are suggested activities only.
- In some cases the plans are not fully completed lesson plans.
- The teacher may choose some lessons/activities to span over several lessons.
- Teachers may add, revise and adapt these lessons based on the needs of their students, their personal preferences for resources, and the use of a variety of instructional techniques.
Learning events are enriched for students when teachers consider the “WHERE TO” acronym and guiding organizer by Wiggins and McTighe.
The Learning Events should always be prefaced by focusing on the essential questions:
How is form related to function in bird beaks?
What adaptations help a bird survive in its environment?
How do birds spend their time?
What interactions do you observe –between birds, and between birds and their environment?
Can birds be identified by a variety of features?
How do human impact birds and how can negative impacts be mitigated?
What is a system?
What does it mean to think using a systems approach?
How have I experienced ‘Systems’ at ODS? (e.g. how birds interact with each other and their environment)
How am I connected to ‘Systems’ in my everyday life?
Introducing the Activity
The Learning Events should always be prefaced by focusing on the essential questions:
- How is form related to function in bird beaks?
- What adaptations help a bird survive in its environment?
- How do birds spend their time?
- What interactions do you observe –between birds, and between birds and their environment?
- Can birds be identified by a variety of features?
- How do human impact birds and how can negative impacts be mitigated?
- What is a system?
- What does it mean to think using a systems approach?
- How have I experienced ‘Systems’ at ODS? (e.g. how birds interact with each other and their environment)
- How am I connected to ‘Systems’ in my everyday life?
1) “Step into the circle if”: Gather students in a circle and step into the circle if the statement applies to them, then step back out.
- You can name three species (ask them to define term) of birds found in B.C.
- You can name three things birds eat and which birds eat them.
- You have every used binoculars.
- You have seen a live eagle (or hummingbird depending on the season)
2) Explain that they will be discovering the amazing world of birds today.
3) Walk towards Fuzzy’s Foot Path. Stop prior to entering and explain the Walk and Talk activity.
- Q1 – What do the terms “form” and “function” mean in relation to animals?
- Q2 – Come up with two or three examples of form and function in birds or mammals
- Discuss with students how the shape “form” of an animal, or part of an animal determines what the animal can do “function” g. – giraffes’ long necks allow them to reach leaves that are not available to other animals. Birds have beaks and feet adapted to their life styles and food types
4) Eye Spy- used to learn what field marks in birds are.
- Put students into pairs, have partners describe each other using hair colour, size, clothing type and colour, eye colour, footwear. Compare these characteristics to how field guides identify birds (colour, size, distinguishing features, …). Would all features of their partners be the same in different seasons? Note birds change plumage sometimes with the seasons (or with age!).
Forest Lab
The Learning Events should always be prefaced by focusing on the essential questions:
- How is form related to function in bird beaks?
- What adaptations help a bird survive in its environment?
- How do birds spend their time?
- What interactions do you observe –between birds, and between birds and their environment?
- Can birds be identified by a variety of features?
- How do human impact birds and how can negative impacts be mitigated?
- What is a system?
- What does it mean to think using a systems approach?
- How have I experienced ‘Systems’ at ODS? (e.g. how birds interact with each other and their environment)
- How am I connected to ‘Systems’ in my everyday life?
1) Prior to entering – Ask students to have a good look at the items set up, particularly as they relate to form and function. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH the items. Then sit down at table.
2) Everyone seated – Have students try to identify the birds using field guides (think about features you can use to identify them from eye spy game), include where in the forest they live if desired, discuss aging of bald eagles if desired (this is one of the largest gathering places of bald eagles in North America in the winter)
3) Describe what the group will be doing
i) using cards, match bird beak with food type and grouping of bird (wading, swimming, perching…); try out different beak simulators to see how they are used to get their food
ii) Using manipulatives – try picking up different types of food and see which simulated beak type would work best
iii) Review representations of beak types – what was good about the simulations, what did they not simulate?
4) Go outside to observe birds and look for their adaptations (form) that suits what they do (eating, flight, walking…)
a) Binoculars – go over rules for use and demonstrate how to focus (use “Binocular Basics” sheet in lab)
i) Leave all cases and lens covers on table if possible (some are attached to binoculars)
ii) Follow bird map to see what you can find!
b) Time Study of birds
i) Find a location along your walk with quite a few birds (use the chickens if you need to!
ii) Using the Time Study sheets, each student/pair does a 90s observation of a bird recording what activity it is doing
iii) Discuss with a partner what you observed – was the bird’s activity what you expected? What was surprising? Is this representative of what a day might look like? Why or why not?
5) Return to lab – share observations as you walk
6) Leave binoculars on table to dry. Group discussion of observations.
7) Walk and Talk debrief – What did you learn today about form and function that you did not know already? What did you see that you had not observed before?
Left to Right:
- Great horned owl – raptor – eats meat (has most diverse diet of all North American raptors – mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, …)
- Barred owl – raptor – eats meat (small mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles)
- Red breasted sap sucker – woodpecker – eats sap, insects & fruit
- Blue grouse – ground feeder (like a chicken) pecks at ground – eats leaves, conifer needles, small invertebrates
- Male mallard – sieves food out of water, wide bill, strainer – dappler – eats aquatic plants, seeds, aquatic insect larvae, earthworms, shrimp
- Crow (top) and Raven (bottom) – not forehead and how raven beak goes as a shallow angle to head whereas crow has more of a definitive forehead. Raven also has a spade (wedge) shaped tail when flying, crows have squared off tails – eat everything!!
- Belted Kingfisher (male on top, female on bottom) – strong shortish beak for jabbing and grabbing food – eat mostly fish, will eat snails, amphibians, crayfish)
- Male bufflehead – note back of head is going bald from being touched – dive for food – aquatic invertebrates, snails, invertebrate larvae, clams…
Pliers– strong short, for cracking seeds = finch
Tweezers/forceps – more pointed, grippers on inside of forceps, for getting insects; also could be for grabbing slippery fish in the water (grippers) = chickadee, merganser, kingfisher
Chopsticks – long, not too strong, for reaching into water and jabbing at food; ok for grabbing slippery fish if have rough ends (like forceps) – heron– note difference between chopsticks vs tweezers when picking up smartie
Scissors – sharp, tearing; for tearing meat (raptors, birds of prey) = hawk, eagle, owl
Skewer in straw – thin, not strong beak with long tongue = hummingbird
Food types: smarties – seeds, fish eggs, slippery fish (although they are not that slippery really!); licorice – meat; leather bits – worms, insects (millipedes); string – small worms, insects
Characteristics of birds
- Swimming birds (ducks) – spoon-shaped bill for sieving water, nail on end for digging roots; webbed feet for swimming in water
- Wading birds (herons) – long, spear-like bill for jabbing into water for fish, frogs, etc.; long legs with long-toed feet for standing in water;
- Shorebirds – short or long bill, possibly curved for different types of probing in sand and mud; longish legs for feeding in, or near, the water
- Birds of Prey – strong, hooked beak for tearing meat; strong feet with sharp talons for gripping prey;
- Chicken-like birds – short, fairly heavy beaks, and strong feet for scratching the ground for food
- Perching birds (warblers) – narrow, needle-like bill for picking up insects; feet with three toes forward and one toe back for perching
- Finches – strong, conical beak for cracking seeds; feet with three toes forward and one toe back for perching
Other small land birds – any birds that do not fit into the above categories!
The Learning Events should always be prefaced by focusing on the essential questions:
- How is form related to function in bird beaks?
- What adaptations help a bird survive in its environment?
- How do birds spend their time?
- What interactions do you observe –between birds, and between birds and their environment?
- Can birds be identified by a variety of features?
- How do human impact birds and how can negative impacts be mitigated?
- What is a system?
- What does it mean to think using a systems approach?
- How have I experienced ‘Systems’ at ODS? (e.g. how birds interact with each other and their environment)
- How am I connected to ‘Systems’ in my everyday life?
Fight of the Feet (Birdquest)
Used to show the special functions of different foot types:
- Try to push water with the fingers of the hand spread and then cupped: cupped hands push more and are better for swimming (compare webbed feet)
- Try to hold on to a stick (cardboard tube, pointer) without wrapping a thumb around it, then with the finger and thumb around it, while someone tries to pull it away; we get a stronger grip when using the thumb (compare to the hind toe of a perching bird)
- Stand on one leg on tiptoe, then flatfoot to show that it is easier to keep your balance when standing flatfoot (compare to the large size of feet in herons that balance while hunting)
- Hold an eraser with your fingertips and have someone try to pull it away from you; then hold it with your fingers curved and nails digging into it, and to the same thing to show that curved fingers and nails give a better grip (compare to the feet of birds of prey)
Supplies: erasers, sticks (cardboard tube)
Battle of the Beaks (BirdQuest)
Use to show the special functions of different beak types.
- Pick up sunflower seed with tweezers (warbler) vs. pliers (finch) – finch beak is better adapted to cracking larger seeds. Both can be used to pick up small insect-like things (string or bits of thread) as birds with both these beak types feed insects to their young
Similarily for other types of beaks:
- Try to break off a piece of licorice using tweezers, then pliers, then scissors (birds of prey)
- Try to pick leather or string out of water using a scoop or a spoon, then a sieve (like the lamellate bill of ducks)
- Try to pick up something slippery (button, jelly bean) with smooth chopsticks, then rough or serrated ones (like merganser’s bill, heron bill)
- Probe in an aquarium, or bucket of sand or gravel using tweezers and then chopsticks (to reach different depths) – kingfisher diving for food, heron, American dipper

The following resources are made available through the British Columbia Ministry of Education. For more information, please visit BC’s New Curriculum.
Big Ideas
The Big Ideas consist of generalizations and principles and the key concepts important in an area of learning. The Big Ideas represent what students will understand at the completion of the curriculum for their grade. They are intended to endure beyond a single grade and contribute to future understanding.
Core Competencies
Communications Competency
The set of abilities that students use to impart and exchange information, experiences and ideas, to explore the world around them, and to understand and effectively engage in the use of digital media
Thinking Competency
The knowledge, skills and processes we associate with intellectual development
Social Competency
The set of abilities that relate to students’ identity in the world, both as individuals and as members of their community and society
Curricular Competencies & Content
Curricular Competencies are the skills, strategies, and processes that students develop over time. They reflect the “Do” in the Know-Do-Understand model of curriculum. The Curricular Competencies are built on the thinking, communicating, and personal and social competencies relevant to disciplines that make up an area of learning.
Additional Resources
First People's Principles of Learning
To read more about First People’s Principles of Learning, please click here.
For classroom resources, please visit the First Nations Education Steering Committee.